Classic Banana Honey Face Mask - Radiant Life

Classic Banana Honey Face Mask

by Kayla Grossmann

A few weeks ago, my sister Kelsey wrote a post about how she healed her acne using real foods and superfood supplements. She is back to share one of her favorite all-natural ways to moisturize and replenish the skin using ingredients you can find in the kitchen!

Winter really took a toll on my dry skin this year. It seems to do so every year, despite my daily moisturizing techniques. Fortunately, I am a big fan of DIY face masks and have tried just about every single one out there...and if you have looked on Pinterest lately, you know there are a whole lot of face masks to try! I find it kind of fun to play around with natural ingredients and see how they really affect the skin. Plus, I also get to spook people with all that gooey stuff on my face! Recently I tried the classic banana and honey face mask, which left my skin feeling incredibly soft. I like this one in particular because it is super easy to make and offers a lot of great benefits for nourishing the skin inside and out.

Classic Banana Honey Face Mask | Radiant Life Blog

If you search the internet for a" banana and honey face mask" you will find a variety of recipes, which can be overwhelming. I like to keep things nice and simple, and with only two ingredients, this version is just that! If you want, you can also eat the other half of the banana while making it…it’s a win-win!

We shared a little bit about why honey is so good for the skin in our post on making a Raw Honey Face Wash. But add banana into the mix, and things get taken to a whole other level. Check out all of the amazing nutrients that make this face mask so effective:


- Potassium hydrates the skin

- Vitamins A, E, C are useful for reducing blemishes and acne scars

- Zinc helps fight off acne-causing germs

- B vitamins protect against free radicals that damage skin

Raw Honey*

- Sugars are humectants that moisturize and clarify

- Low pH and natural peroxide are powerful antibacterials

- A variety of phytonutrients act as antioxidants

- Enzymes help block skin infections

*I've been using raw beechwood honey to make this mask. However if you ever wanted to ramp up the therapeutic benefits even further, manuka honey, with its highly concentrated enzyme activity, would be an excellent choice.

Classic Banana Honey Face Mask | Radiant Life Blog

Classic Banana Honey Face Mask | Radiant Life Blog

Classic Banana Honey Face Mask


1/2 of a ripe banana

1 1/2 teaspoons raw honey or manuka honey


Peel banana, cut in half, and place one side in a small bowl (the other half will not be needed so feel free to eat it). Add honey. Mash up the banana and honey with a fork until smooth. Apply evenly on clean face and wait 15-20 minutes. Rinse off with warm water. Enjoy a wonderfully moisturized face!

Classic Banana Honey Face Mask | Radiant Life Blog

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