Liver. You know its good for you. Traditional cookbooks include recipes for liver patés that are filled with tantalizing descriptions like "elegant," "luxurious" and "velvety smooth." Blogs are cluttered with artsy pictures of browned liver and shimmering onions dished out onto colorful platters. Liver, once shunned and forgotten, is now being praised in health communities for its powerful protein content and unique blend of vitamins. But when it comes right down to it- that smell, that taste, that texture- well, put nicely, liver is just not for everyone. So, for all the offal-afraid out there, here is a sneaky burger recipe that uses a secret dash of desiccated liver, to make an easy, healthy and surprisingly normal-tasting meal.
Just because you have a lingering distaste for liver, doesn't mean that you are a miserable failure at traditional cooking. There seems to be a tendancy in some ancestral health circles to shamefully hide aversions to liver, as though a dislike of this superstar food somehow reveals you as an impostor real foodie. There is also a more common propensity for people to be so utterly disgusted by the liver, that they disregard the food completely- speeding by trays of it in the grocery store or glazing over articles about its health benefits like they don't even exist. In either situation, liver is ignored and it's simply not fair.
If you don't like liver or are nervous about trying it, that is fully acceptable. But even still, there are ways to get liver into the diet and be happy too! Imagine that? All it takes is getting a bit more creative about fitting this superfood into your diet.
Benefits of Eating Liver
You can read more in-depth about the health benefits of liver here, but as a brief refresher and source of inspiration, below you will find a quick list of all the positive qualities this rich food has to offer:
- An excellent source of high-quality protein
- Contains all of the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K
- Nature's most concentrated source of vitamin A, which is rapidly depleted during periods of stress, as well as by consuming a low-fat diet
- All the B vitamins in abundance, particularly vitamin B12
- One of our best sources of natural folate
- A highly usable form of iron
- Trace elements such as copper, zinc and chromium; liver is our best source of copper
- CoQ10, a nutrient that is especially important for cardio-vascular function
- A good source of purines, nitrogen-containing compounds that serve as precursors for DNA and RNA
The Secret Ingredient: Desiccated Liver
Secret Liver Burgers
This recipe is that it is customizable to the maximum. I give you one possible variation below, but there are countless others. Mix and match spices, use different types of meat, form into large patties or small- whatever you do just be sure to get that liver in!